
PGE's electronic journal´'s new issue is now available


PGE-RJ's electronic journal´(, a scientific journal linked to the School of Public Advocacy (ESAP) of the Attorney General Office to the State of Rio de Janeiro (PGE-RJ), invites all to access its new issue and to submit articles in the fields of Public and Private Law concerning topics of interest to State Attorneys in Brazil and abroad.

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Read more about PGE's electronic journal´'s new issue is now available

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Imagem: Rua Direita, atual Rua Primeiro de Março; ao fundo o Morro do Castelo Marc Ferrez/Acervo Instituto Moreira Salles

Imagem: Rua Direita, atual Rua Primeiro de Março; ao fundo o Morro do Castelo
Marc Ferrez/Acervo Instituto Moreira Salles

Published: 2023-08-31



Memory of the State Advocacy

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