Incidence of wage cap in accumulation of public offices, employments and functions: critics to the federal supreme court’s understanding at the judgement of extraordinary appeal NO. 612.975/MT


  • Flávio Henrique Unes Pereira
  • Rafael da Silva Alvim



Federal Supreme Court, Wage cap., Accumulation


This paper aims to present a critic sight on the guidance issued by the Federal Supreme Court at the judgement of the extraordinary appeal no. 612.975/MT, seeking to demonstrate that the expression “cumulatively or not”, contained in art. 37, XI, of the Federal Constitution, does not authorize the individual consideration of each bond for purposes of wage cap incidence when it comes to accumulation of public offices, employments and functions.


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Author Biographies

Flávio Henrique Unes Pereira

Doutor e Mestre em Direito Administrativo (UFMG). Professor e coordenador do mestrado profissional da EDB
– SP. Professor e coordenador da pós-graduação em Direito Administrativo do IDP. Presidente da Comissão
Especial de Proteção de Dados da OAB Federal. Sócio do Silveira e Unes Advogados.

Rafael da Silva Alvim

Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Pós-graduando em
Direito Administrativo pelo Instituto de Direito Público (IDP). Advogado.



How to Cite

Henrique Unes Pereira, F. ., & da Silva Alvim, R. . (2019). Incidence of wage cap in accumulation of public offices, employments and functions: critics to the federal supreme court’s understanding at the judgement of extraordinary appeal NO. 612.975/MT. Revista Eletrônica Da PGE-RJ, 2(3).


