Peer Review Process
The relevance for the publication of articles in the journal will be initially evaluated by the Editors.
Afterwards, if preliminarily approved (desk review), the article will be evaluated by two ad hoc referees, observing the double blind review criterion. In case of divergence between the evaluations in this first stage, the article will be sent to a third reviewer.
The evaluation of will consider their adequacy to the journal’s profile and its rules, as well as the observance of academic-scientific standards related to the content and quality of the contributions. The evaluation may consider the article approved, approved with the due reformulation indicated by the referee or rejected.
The editorial flow may be accompanied by the author by accessing the journal's website. To do so, he must use the registered login and password when submitting the article. Authors will be informed about the texts not accepted for publication.
In case of texts produced by invited authors, the analysis of the articles will be carried out by the Editorial Board.
The editorial team reserves the right not to immediately publish the approved texts immediately, as this depends on the maximum number of works published per volume, as well as on the endogenous and exogenous relationship between authors and reviewers.
The average time for analysis of articles between submission and publication is 8 to 16 weeks.