Federalism and selectivity: limitation of ICMS rates and the compensation for tax revenue losses in the complementary act n.194/2022


  • Hendrick Pinheiro da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Public Revenue Sharing, Federal Autonomy, Objective Responsibility of the State, Revenue Loss


The paper discusses the relationship between the regulation of the selectivity of rates proposed by LC 194/2022 and the recovery of revenue losses suffered by municipalities in the context of Brazilian federalism. It hypothesizes that the imposition of a limit on ICMS rates for operations with electricity, natural gas, fuels, telecommunications and public transport would be a general tax rule to regulate the principle of selectivity and the compensation for loss of tax revenue represents payment for damages arising from the breach of predictability resulting from the change in the regulatory framework. It discusses the scope of selectivity in ICMS and the role of the Complementary Law in the first topic. It analyzes the norm that establishes the limit for ICMS rates on specific operations in view of the autonomy of federal entities in the second topic. In the last topic, it scrutinizes the mechanism for recomposing collections in view of the breach of expectations resulting from the change in regulation on the subject. It concludes that the limit of rates proposed by the complementary law does not represent an offense to the autonomy of the federal entities and that the proposed reparation derives from the recognition of an emerging damage derived from the breach of expectations of the States by the legislative activity. This exploratory bibliographical research is carried out from the analysis of national legislative texts, national jurisprudence with reference to the judgment of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Argentina.


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Author Biography

Hendrick Pinheiro da Silva , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor e Mestre em direito econômico, financeiro e tributário pela USP. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis (FACC).


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How to Cite

Silva , H. P. da. (2023). Federalism and selectivity: limitation of ICMS rates and the compensation for tax revenue losses in the complementary act n.194/2022. Revista Eletrônica Da PGE-RJ, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.46818/pge.v6i2.341


