Administrative state in Brazil: an imperfect legal transplant




Administrative Law, Administrative State, Deep State, Originalism, Legal Transplants


This article aims to introduce the American discussions regarding the legitimacy of the administrative state to the Brazilian reader and analyze in which extension these debates apply to Brazil. After presenting arguments on both sides, the paper explains why the American administrative state debate cannot be fully transplanted to the Brazilian legal system, emphasizing the Brazilian civil law tradition, the analytical characteristics of the 1988 Constitution and its high levels of amendments. In the following section, the paper scrutinizes how the American administrative state doctrine can be useful for Brazilian legal scholars, presenting three possible research paths: discussions regarding administrative rulemaking, the rise of autonomous institutions and its implications to separation of powers theories and, mainly, the democratic legitimacy of non-elected bureaucratic bodies. The paper follows a methodology of qualitative analysis and critical review of the American administrative state bibliography.


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How to Cite

Migueis, A. C. . (2022). Administrative state in Brazil: an imperfect legal transplant. Revista Eletrônica Da PGE-RJ, 5(2).


