As a result of the need to meet the criteria required by CAPES for academic journals in the legal field, the Electronic Journal of the Attorney General Office to the State of Rio de Janeiro is undergoing a reformulation process. In order to provide greater publicity and transparency to members, civil servants and residents of the institution in relation to the new publication rules, ESAP would like to present the following clarifications, provided in the form of questions and answers.

1. Will the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal continue to publish articles by PGE-RJ members?

Yes. The Electronic Journal is one of PGE-RJ's most recent achievements, and will always count on the participation of the institution's members.

2. How is the process of restructuring PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal taking place?

The process of reformulating the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal has been guided by the guidelines established by CAPES for evaluating academic journals in the legal field, which involve a greater concern with originality, the qualifications of the authors and referees and the quality of the articles published. In this way, the Journal will seek to expand its publications with work by authors linked to other institutions, while continuing to give prestige to members of the Institution.

The CAPES rules for evaluating academic journals in the legal field can be accessed at the following link: http://capes.gov.br/avaliacao/sobre-as-areas-de-avaliacao/74-dav/caa2/4663-direito

3. What are the sections of the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal?

The publication is made up of the following sections: Editorial, Doctrine, Memory of State Advocacy, Current Events and Videos.

4. What changes has the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal implemented in relation to the authors?

In the Doctrine section, the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal will only publish unpublished articles whose authors have a minimum master's degree, a requirement that applies to all co-authors. In the other sections, it will be possible to publish unpublished articles by master's degree students or signed by authors with a minimum master's degree in co-authorship with graduate students or undergraduates.

5. After approval, will there be a longer publication process for approved articles?

The process of choosing the articles that will make up each volume of the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal by the Editorial Team will follow the guidelines established by CAPES for evaluating academic journals in the legal area, respecting the percentages of degrees and exogeny of the authors and referees of the published articles.

The CAPES rules for evaluating academic journals in the legal area can be accessed at the following link: http://capes.gov.br/avaliacao/sobre-as-areas-de-avaliacao/74-dav/caa2/4663-direito

6. What is the average time taken for an article to be evaluated and published by the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal?

After appointing external referees, the average time for evaluation is 3 or 4 months, and there may be delays as not all of them respect the deadlines set by the journal.

7. Why is the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal subject to CAPES rules?

Qualis-Periódicos is a system used by CAPES to classify the scientific production of postgraduate programs, which takes into account, above all, the originality of the publications, the titles and expertise of the authors and referees of the published articles. Adhering to these rules means that the journal is recognized in the academic community, which means that the institution that maintains it is valued and that it effectively contributes to progress in the field of applied social sciences.

8. How can the measures adopted contribute to PGE-RJ?

The measures adopted give greater credibility, academic quality and recognition to the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal, making it a reference for professionals and students of topics related to Public Advocacy.

9. Does PGE-RJ have other journals?

In addition to the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal (ISSN: 2595-0630), the Rio de Janeiro State Attorney's Office has a journal called PGE-RJ's Law Journal (ISSN: 0101-2096), the traditional printed "blue journal".

10. What is the institutional role of the PGE-RJ's Law Journal and the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal?

The Law Journal of the Attorney General Office (ISSN: 0101-2096) is the oldest public legal publication in circulation in Brazil and embodies the memory of the PGE-RJ. As the former State Attorney General Gustavo Philadelpho Azevedo wrote in the Introduction to the first volume, the times that saw the birth of the Journal were of "agitation and renewal of values" and demanded "the meditation of jurists [on] a large sum of problems of organization, technique, politics (and) economics". It was a phase that required a journal that was not "simply a cold repository, an inexpressive collection of judgments, a heap of administrative opinions", but one of "legal criticism". In 1986, an Editorial Board was set up to ensure the cultural relevance of the PGE's Law Journal.

The Electronic Journal of the Attorney General Office to the State of Rio de Janeiro - PGE-RJ (ISSN 2595-0630) is responsible for improving the academic debate on issues dear to state law, now along the lines employed by the Brazilian and international scientific community.

It is a four-monthly online publication aimed at professionals and researchers from Brazil and abroad. Created in 2018, PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal aims to enhance the historical, social and cultural approach of legal institutes from an interdisciplinary and original perspective, foster dialogue and promote debate between the main doctrinal, jurisprudential and legislative innovations in the field of Public Law and Private Law, in relation to the Brazilian legal system and comparative experience.

11. How do I publish in the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal or the PGE-RJ's Law Journal?

To publish in the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal, simply access the website: https://revistaeletronica.pge.rj.gov.br

The guidelines for authors must be followed. Texts published in the Doctrine section of the PGE-RJ's Electronic Journal are subject to a double peer review system.

To be published in the PGE-RJ's Law Journal, articles must be sent by e-mail to publicacoescejur@pge.rj.gov.br, in accordance with the "Publication Rules for Authors" published on the last page of each issue of the printed journal.